Write for Us:
Submission Guidelines:
Read all the guidelines before writing for us. Most of people do not read carefully.
1. The minimum word count of an article should not be less than 600 words.
2. Don’t forget the images. Images are important because they create a vivid experience for the readers.
3. Do not send copyright images.
4. Send in your images at submissions@prayertimenyc.com (Note: We have the right to change them). Include the source of every image.
5. Don’t forget to add punctuation marks.
6. Content should be original and not plagiarized or Scraped.
7. Don’t forget to review your work in the end – This will just help our editors save time and publish your articles at their earliest.
8. Kindly give the strong reference.
9. If you meet all the guidelines, then write away!
Write For Us:
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