islamic education system

Different Types of Education: Conventional and Islamic Education

Different Types of Education in Islam:

It is also referred as Traditional, Conventional or Classical education. It is an approach to the education in which the main focus is on art, skills development, culture, and literature. The method of conventional teaching varies according to the geography and history of the specific place.

The main purpose or aim of this type of education is to transfer the skills, facts and social attributes of one generation to the next generation. Direct lectures are given by the teachers. Students have to learn by listening or observing the teacher.

Its main focus is on old customs, discipline, and facts. It depends on the traditions and customs of a specific state. It is different from the Islamic type of education because it depends on the past customs of the state.

While the Islamic education is different from the traditional type of education. The main focus is on the teachings of the Islam. The moral and social values have great significance in this type of education. In this, the main focus is on the purpose and aim of the human life.

Teachings of Quran and the Hadith is the important part of this type of education. It emphasizes on the teachings of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W). It guides you to the right path and provides you knowledge about all the phases and aspects of life.

The difference between Islamic and Conventional Education:

These are some basic difference between both types of education.

  • First of all, traditional education depends on the traditions, customs, and social values of the certain Like all the countries have different traditions which they followed for many years. So it depends on the values and customs of any state. It varies from country to country, as customs of every state differ from the other state.

But in the Islamic type of education or Islamic education system, there are the same things which are taught. For example, it teaches you about the Oneness of Allah and about the Messenger of Allah Almighty. There is a proper history of Islam. It tells you the main purpose of life and guides you for the future life.

  • In Conventional education, the main subject area is the study of science, mathematics and also on learning of different languages depending on the country. Skill development is the main concern of this type of education.

While in Islamic type of education, the main subject area is the study of Islamic teachings through the study of the Quran and the Hadith. All the events in the Quran and the meaning of every Hadith are taught in this type of education.

  • In the Conventional education, there are schools and universities where the students learn all these subjects. While for the Islamic education, there are various Madrassas where students learn the Islamic type of education.

In these Madrassas there is proper Curriculum for the education. Other subjects, including Mathematics, Science, and language are also taught in these Madrassas, but the main focus is on Islamic teachings.

  • Traditional Education involves the study of Textbooks and students have to memorize this knowledge from the lectures and the books.

While Islamic teachings focus on the study of Quran by understanding the meaning of the Quran and the Hadith. It strengthens your belief and faith. It explains you various historical events for your proper understanding.

importance of education in Islam:

  • In traditional education, you learn about the customs and traditions of the past. While the second type of education focuses on the Islamic laws, it guides you for the future life. As Quran gives you knowledge about all the aspects of life.
  • Islamic education also teaches you about the social and moral values. As in the Quran, moral values have great significance, while in traditional education the main focus is on skills development and learning.


The main focus, aim and subject area of the Traditional education are different from the Islamic education. Islamic type of education gives you knowledge about the life and also about the life after this life which is Aakhirah. Its main focus is on the teachings of the Quran and the Hadith.

Traditional education varies according to the geography and customs of the countries. It gives you knowledge about the traditions and skills development from the textbooks.

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