Prayer Times For Miami:

Are you looking for Prayer Times Miami (FL, USA) or Miami Prayer Times (FL). Miami, Florida has a very hot temperature, which results in longer days than nights. In such countries it is often harder for Muslims to rectify the exact times of prayers if there is not a Mosque (The place where Muslims offer prayers) nearby. Also check the accurate Prayer Times Orlando.

Prayer Times in Miami, FL:

[sc name=”prayer-times” longitude=”25.7743″ latitude=”-80.1937″ timezone=”-5″ ]

Calculation Method:

Standard (Hanbali, Maliki, Shafi)
Islamic Society of North America
Fajr 15.0 degrees, Isha 15.0 degrees

Latitude: 25.7743
Longitude: -80.1937

Due to technology and the advent of the internet, you no longer need to relay on having to hear the Azan and even if you are not near a Mosque, you can easily offer your prayers on time without any difficulty.

The Prayers times in Miami have almost an estimated seven hours difference in the Fajr Miami prayer time and Dhuhr Miami prayer time and after that , Asr Miami prayer time, Maghrib prayer times for Miami, Isha prayer times for Miami is after approximate difference of three and a half hour. There is the timing schedule format available that can help to find the accurate timings of Prayers in Miami.


Mosques in Miami:

As some sources tell, there is a lack of Mosques in Miami creating a problem for Muslims that travel or live there, but the World Wide Web is solving the problem and is giving an accurate time to perform Islamic Rituals. Yet there are few popular mosques named as below:

  • Masjid Al Ansar
  • Masjid Al-Fayza
  • Flagler Masjid
  • Masjid Al-Ihsaan
  • Masjid As-Sunnah An-Nabawiyyah
  • IJA Miami
  • Ershad Center
  • Miami Mosque
  • Masjid Miami Gardens

Besides, there are few other mosques as well, that are located in Miami, Florida.


So, that is all about the Prayer Times Miami (FL, USA). There are a sufficient number of Muslims residing in Miami (Florida, USA). So, the Muslim community offers prayers, including Jummah prayer as well as Eid Prayers, in the mosques there. The schedule of prayers is an easy way to offer all of the prayers on time.