prayer times Yonkers NY

Muslim Prayer Times Yonkers New York, USA

Prayer Times Yonkers:

Get the accurate prayer times Yonkers(New York) for Muslim who are living in New York, USA. Get today prayer time for Fajr prayer in Yonkers , Dhuhr prayer in Yonkers, Asr prayer in Yonkers NY, Maghrib prayer in Yonkers and Isha prayer in Yonkers are given below.

In this article, I will inform you about Yonkers prayer times(NY), Mosques and Muslim Population in Yonkers, New York United States.

Yonkers is the 4th most populous city in the United States, state of New York, and the most populous city in Westchester County, with a population of 195,976.

You can see the accurate Prayer Times NYC.

Prayer Times Yonkers NYC:

Prayers are the second most important aspect of Islam. They are mandatory for every Muslim to perform prayer in particular time. The prayers are performed to praise Allah and realize how much He has blessed us with. It is also scientifically proved that the motions in Salah help physically as well and is very beneficial for the body if performed five times a day.

It is the second pillar of Islam. We can tell the importance of Salah by this Hadith of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W):

“Salah is the key to Jannah”.

Prayer Times in Yonkers New York:

There are 5 prayers that are compulsory for every Muslim. Offering Five Prayer Benefits are unlimited. They are preferably offered before they are Qaza, therefore the exact time is required. These are the prayers and Yonkers prayer times or  prayer times in Yonkers NY:

  • Fajr Yonkers prayer times
  • Dhuhr Yonkers prayer times
  • Asar prayer times Yonkers NY
  • Maghrib prayer times Yonkers NY
  • Isha prayer times Yonkers

All the timings are identified by sunrise and sunset. The Fajr prayer is offered before the sun rises and will be Qaza at soon as the sun rises. In Yonkers, New York, the Fajr prayer is performed nearby 05:00 am and almost after 6 hrs of it, the Dhuhr prayer is offered. After Dhuhr, the timing between Asar, Maghrib and Isha is reportedly from a 3 hours gap more or less.

Muslim Mosques in Yonkers (New York):

As many Muslims prefer to offer their prayers in Mosques in order to get 27 times more Sawaab (ajr). They search for a Muslim mosque to perform their Islamic Rituals. It is important to note that in months like Ramadan, Muslims try to be more religious so that is why I am enclosing a list of Mosques that will help you to increase your deeds:

Top Muslim Mosque in Yonkers NY:

  • Islamic Center of Yonkers
  • Westchester Muslim Center
  • Masjid Al-Huda

Muslim Population in Yonkers NY:

Many religions are practiced in Yonkers NY Roman Catholics, Jews and Protestants. Now Muslims are also growing there and becoming a society of their own.

The total population of Yonkers New York is  around 195,976, In which  approximately 10,000 Muslims lives in Yonkers.

So that’s about it and I hope you found the information regarding Prayer Times Yonkers NYC Muslims populations and Mosques helpful.

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